QiGong - The Art of Healing Using "The Force"

My Article was published in Consumer Health Digest:Qigong is one of 3 healing arts in China, along with acupuncture and herbology. Qi means “life force”. The life force that is in all living beings and in nature all around us.Gong translates to “cultivation”. Translated QiGong means “life force cultivation”. It is an ancient moving mediation involving, movement, breath and intention. Documented history of Qigong goes back at least 2500 years, however archeologists and historians have found references to Qigong techniques that go back over 5,000 years.In 2011 I was dealing with severe health issues, chronic knee and joint pains and an under-functioning thyroid. I had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and western doctors told me that I’d have to take a medication every day for the rest of my life because there was no cure*.To read the rest of the article please click here:https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/general-health/qigong.html